Theological Compositions Main Page 


The Doctrine of Last Things

Prepare for Judgment

The Coming Plagues

A Critique of Rosenthal’s Pre-Wrath Rapture Theory

Are there Seven Church Ages in Revelation 2-3?

Peter Ruckman’s Multiple Ways of Salvation Heresy, part 1     part 2

The Promise Theme and the Thoelogy of Rest, Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.   Note:  Linking this valuable article is not an endorsement of its author’s neo-evangelicalism.

The Pre-Trib Research Center Note: This is a link to another website with many resources on eschatology.  The Pre-Trib Rapture is Scriptural, and many of the articles in the Research Center are excellent, but anything deviating from a historic Baptist position, including universal ecclesiology and modern Bible versions, must not be accepted.